There are many different assets you can use to support PHJC through a planned gift. Whether it’s cash, retirement holdings, appreciated securities, or real estate, you can select the assets that align with your preferences and goals, all while ensuring that your contributions will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. By utilizing any of these assets, you can contribute to the support of PHJC and its ministries.

Cash – A simple and easy way to make a planned gift, cash can be given as a check, credit card, or electronic funds transfer. You can use cash for many types of planned gifts, including bequests and charitable gift annuities. | Learn more→

Real Estate – Gifting appreciated real estate such as homes, vacation properties, commercial properties, or oil and gas interests can leave a powerful impact on your passions. Real estate can fund gifts such as a bequest, charitable remainder trust, or retained life estate. | Learn more→

Appreciated Securities – By giving appreciated securities such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you can avoid capital gains taxes and invest in PHJC. These assets are great for creating a charitable remainder trusta charitable gift annuity, or a beneficiary designation gift. | Learn more

Retirement Assets – If you are like most people, you might not use all of your retirement assets (such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or another tax-deferred plan) during your lifetime. When the remainder of these assets is given to a charity like the PHJC Foundation, they are not taxed. Retirement assets are a good choice to fund a beneficiary designation gift or a charitable gift annuity. | Learn more→

Life Insurance – If your life insurance policy is no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors, you could use it to further the Foundation’s mission of building a brighter future for PHJC and its ministries. In addition to an outright gift, you can give life insurance through a beneficiary designation gift. | Learn more→