We rely on support from our community to make our mission possible.
Giving to the PHJC Foundation enables you to direct your gift to a specific ministry. You can support agriculture, art, education, farming, hunger, music, spirituality, volunteers, and more.
Every gift makes an impact. Learn about the many ways to give to the PHJC Foundation.
Give Now
An online donation is a convenient way to support PHJC and its ministries with immediate funds. Browse our ministries online and choose the area(s) you are passionate about.
Give Monthly
When you join Saint Katharina’s Calendar Club, your monthly donations will touch people’s lives worldwide – all year!
Planned Giving
An after-lifetime or estate gift, or a planned gift, might be the best option for your future and PHJC’s. There is a wide range of estate gift options available that allow you to customize your method of giving.
Donor-Advised Funds
DAFs allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, & more. If you already have a donor-advised fund, you can direct funds from your account to the PHJC Foundation.
Honorary & Memorial Gifts
A gift in memory or in honor of someone is a generous and thoughtful way to recognize a loved one while also supporting PHJC. You can use any giving method to make an honorary or memorial gift.
Memorial Prayer Garden
Honor or memorialize your loved ones today with a personalized Prayer Garden brick. These bricks line our beautiful garden and labyrinth behind Lindenwood Retreat & Conference Center.
Mass Association
The Eucharistic liturgy is celebrated three times each month at Ancilla Domini Convent for those enrolled in the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Mass Association.